orwell 0.0.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAdmittanceControllerBase class for an admittance controller derived from TorqueController
 CCartesianImpedanceControllerBase class for an impedance controller derived from TorqueController
 CCompliantControllerFully compliant controller for kinesthetic control
 CControllerBase class for controller implementation
 CControllerManagerManages available controllers
 CJointImpedanceControllerDefines an impedance control law in joint space
 CParallelControllerInvokes several controllers in parallel and combines their control command
 CPositionControllerController using position commands
 CReferenceControllerBase implementation of a Controller tracking a given Reference
 CRobotModelBase class for a RobotModel to interface different kinematics/dynamics libraries
 CRobotStateDescribes the RobotState
 CStoppingCriterionBase class for a stopping criterion for a Controller
 CTorqueControllerController using torque commands
 CVelocityControllerController using velocity commands